Neil Crespi

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas guys!

I am wishing everyone a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

This appears to be quite early but I make it a point to do this right now so that I won't forget greeting you guys at all. Besides, my schedule is kinda tough, considering that there are tons of work to do to beat deadlines at work and beating the Xmas rush hour. Also, I still have gazillions of gifts to wrap and nephews and nieces to visit (and give those gifts to). Pretty hectic really but I am not complaining because I love every second of it.

It is refreshing to see the huge smiles and innocent voices of those little rascals once again, that's why I can't wait to see them this weekend. Whew! I am sure you guys are also busy with your respective Xmas routines. Let's all celebrate the season with love, hope, and faith.

Merry Christmas everyone!